segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011

Lewis Carrol

If i was told to describe Lewis in a single phrase, i would probably say:

"Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, mostly known by his pseudonym Lewis Carroll, was born in England in 1832 and was a mathematic, photographer, logician and writer who became famous because of his work Alice in Wonderland; died in 1898."

However, one phrase is nothing compared to the actual life of this unique man and his entire work developed throughout his 66 years alive.

Lewis Carroll
Charles L. Dodgson was born, more precisely, in Daresbury, England, on January 27th of 1832. He received a very religious education from his protestant father and was expected to also follow the religious carrier. However, Charles decided to attend the University of Oxford. And in 1855 he was invited to stay at the university as a mathematics teacher, where he taught until 1881. Contrasting his first books regarding geometry and algebra, Dodgson stood out for his outstanding logician skills. This interest for logic, reason and numbers led Charles to write some books about it -The Game of Logic (1887) and Symbolic Logic (1896).
During his years in Oxford, Dodgson met one of his great friends, Henry Liddell, father of 3 daughters - Alice, Lorina and Edith. His friend's daughter name, Alice, and his famous novel character is not a coincidence. Charles inspired his pure character in this enigmatic flesh and bones girl.

C. Dodgson finally adopts the pseudonym of Lewis Carroll, which he uses to sign his literary works leaving his real name to the scientific papers. After the huge success Alice in Wonderland in 1865, Carrol wrote its sequel Through de Looking Glass in 1871, which was also an masterpiece. Other notable works were: The Hunting of Snark of 1876 and Sylvie and Bruno of 1889.

From 1850 onwards, Carroll also stood out as a photographer. His favorite pictures were important figures of the time ( artists, writers, poets, scientists, teachers, etc) and children, mostly girls between 8 and 12 years old

Charles Lutwidge Dodgson passed away in January 14th of 1899 in the city of Guilford, England


Lewis Carroll is mostly known for his peculiar writing style. Characterizing it as unique is a slight underrating of his skills. Carroll's books transmit an incredible amount of energy and charm, perfect for a children's book. One of Carroll's many traits in writing is the often use of italics to give emphasis to many words and passages. Its amazing how this italics together with his colorful writing adds to the mood of the work. Lewis makes it clear how his writing isn't 100% serious, its almost like children playing. You can feel the magic in it.

Wikipedia. "Lewis Carroll" 2011. n. pag. Web. 28/02/2011

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